Johan Nane Simonsen, Last Natives
EIKON Magazine, #127 issue, September 2024Tanja Becher, I could have worked overtime this weekend, but I was retraining laziness – Artworks and thoughts on our relationship with work
Mustekala online art journal, August 19, 2024The Tent
Ráhel Anna Molnar, Gold und Liebe III.- Lessons for Mutants
Artmagazine Online, December 20, 2020Reality meets Visions, online article about Glue in Reality
Author: Ezgi Atas, 2019Glue in Reality in #fuckreality
Exhibition catalog, ed.: Christiane Krejs, Martin Kusch, Alexandra Schantl, Ruth Schnell, Vienna, AT, 2019Glue in Reality in burggasse98
Exhibition catalog, ed.: Niklas Worisch, Vienna, AT, 2018Imprint
T(n)C - Agnes Varnai & Tina Kult
WEST- Augasse 2-6AT- 1090 Wien
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